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Data is Opportunity, Opportunity is Growth

At RR Lyra Analytics, we turn data into business success. We simplify complex data, providing clear, actionable insights that are custom-fit for your challenges


Where academic research meets real-world business solutions

Our approach is rooted in the rigorous, evidence-based methods of academia, ensuring that every solution we provide is grounded in scientific principles. We pride ourselves on bringing the sophistication and depth of research-world methodologies to tackle complex business challenges. Our expertise extends beyond traditional analytics – we interpret the story behind the data, providing insights that are not only accurate but also actionable and strategically sound.

Academic Research
Business Analytics
Data Science
Tax Services
Artificial Intelligence
Financial Valuation
Data Privacy


Business Intelligence
  • Market intelligence and competitive analysis
  • ESG strategy and diversity enhancement
  • Risk management analysis
Data Analytics
  • Data mining of large datasets
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Data Visualization and Dashboard Creation
Tax & Legal
  • International tax strategy
  • Tax risk management
  • Cybersecurity & Data privacy law
  • Company financial valuation
  • Creation of project financing models
  • Managerial accounting and control systems
Complex Solutions
  • Microsimulation models
  • Optimize flow of information
  • Mitigation of systemic risks


At RR Lyra Analytics, our team is not just a group of consultants; we are a collective of scientists and researchers with PhDs, who bring a depth of scholarly insight to every project. Beyond our consulting expertise, we are authors of scientific articles published in leading academic journals.

Our collaborations with prestigious universities keep us at the forefront of knowledge, ensuring that our clients benefit from the most current and impactful advances in our fields. This fusion of academic excellence and practical application sets us apart, allowing us to deliver solutions that are both innovative and effective.


Leonardo Rizzo

PhD in Network and Data Science

Leonardo Rizzo is a PhD candidate in Network and Data Science at the Central European University. He is an academic fellow at the department of Decision Sciences at Bocconi University and a researcher at the department of Management and Technology of Bocconi University. He is currently focusing his research on the role of networks in innovation and organization theory, by using a combination of statistical analysis and microsimulation techniques.

He has collaborated with several organizations as a data scientist and financial administrator. He managed financial projects regarding social housing and renewable energies, while also covering data science projects with international firms and central banks. He collaborated with the Complexity Science Hub in Vienna, worked in the New York delegation of Banca d’Italia and in the Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs of the European Commission.


PhD in Network and Data Science, CEU (attending)
MRes in Economics, UCLouvain
MSc in Economic and Social Sciences, Bocconi University
BSc in Finance, Bocconi University


Borgonovo, E., Pangallo, M., Rivkin, J., Rizzo, L., & Siggelkow, N. (2022). Sensitivity analysis of agent-based models: a new protocol. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 1-43.

Rizzo, L. (2019). News and Noise in the Great  Depression. Working-paper.

Rizzo, L. (2018). Modeling Money Non-Neutrality in Macroeconomics: The Role of Money Illusion. Working paper – Available at SSRN 3650471.


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Amedeo Rizzo

PhD in Law

  • Academic Fellow of Tax, Accounting and Finance, Bocconi University
  • Transatlantic Technology Law Forum, Stanford Law School
  • Academic Tutor, University of Oxford (St Catherine’s College)

Amedeo Rizzo is a PhD in Law student at the University of Oxford. He is SDA Fellow of Tax Law and Accounting at SDA Bocconi School of Management, Academic Fellow of Tax Law and coordinator of the Master of Corporate Tax Law at Bocconi University. He is also Academic Tutor of law and finance at the University of Oxford and Transatlantic Technology Law Fellow at the Stanford Law School.

As per his research activities, he has authored papers published in national and international academic journals, such as International Tax Studies, Virginia Tax Review, European Taxation, and the Bulletin for International Taxation, and technical newspaper such as Sole24Ore, 2020revisione, and We Wealth, by whom he has been selected for the top 300 wealth management influencers’ club. He focuses his research activities on international taxation and the relationship between law, new technologies and sustainability. On the same topics he carries out his own professional practice, having worked for corporations, law firms, NGOs and the Directorate General ECFIN of the European Commission.

Amedeo graduated magna cum laude in Law and Business Administration from Università Bocconi, receiving the Bocconi-Boroli graduation prize as best Bocconi graduate of the academic year. He continued his studies with a Master of Science in Taxation at the University of Oxford (St Anne’s College), awarded with distinction, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Law at the University of Oxford (Exeter College). He also attended the Advancing Teaching and Learning Programme at the University of Oxford.


PhD in Law, University of Oxford (attending)
MSc in Taxation, University of Oxford (distinction)
MSc in Law and Business Administration, Bocconi University (cum laude)
BSc in Business Administration, Bocconi University


Rizzo, A. (2023). Intellectual Property and Tax Incentives: A comparative analysis of the EU and the US legal frameworks, Virginia Tax Review, Vol. 43(2), 291-329.

Das, P., Rizzo, A. (2022). The OECD Global Minimum Tax Proposal under Pillar Two: Will It Achieve the Desired Policy Objective?, Bulletin for International Taxation, vol. 76, n. 1.

Orlando, A., Iervolino, R., Rizzo, A. (2021). The interplay between FAR analysis and AOA in a digitalized economy, International Transfer Pricing Journal, vol. 32, n. 1, 1-8;


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RR Lyra Analytics employs a flexible and tailored approach, ensuring the optimal outcome for each of our clients.


Needs Assessment

Engage with the client to understand their objectives, followed by a thorough assessment to define the project’s scope and requirements.

Proposal and Agreement

We craft a tailored service proposal and establish a formal agreement, outlining the project plan and deliverables.

Data Collection and Analysis

Gather all necessary data, either provided by the client or through independent research and employ advanced analytics to derive meaningful insights.

Strategy Development

We engage with the client periodically to review findings and gather feedback to develop strategic recommendations tailored to meet the client’s objectives.

Implementation Advisory

We provide support in the implementation of the recommended strategies and offer continuous advisory services.

Follow-Up and Improvement

We provide a comprehensive report detailing the analysis, insights, and recommendations and offer ongoing support to refine and enhance the strategy.


Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence is your compass, guiding you through data to uncover hidden opportunities and insights, essential for thriving in today’s dynamic business environment. At RR Lyra Analytics, we harness cutting-edge tools and methodologies to transform vast data sets into actionable intelligence. We cover a variety of services, including ESG strategy and diversity enhancement, as well as risk management analysis.

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Data Analytics

Data Analytics and Visualization are the lenses through which the world of data becomes clear and actionable, offering a deeper understanding and a more vivid perspective on the narratives hidden within numbers. Our service includes advanced statistical analysis, predictive modeling, and the creation of intuitive, interactive dashboards.

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Tax & Legal

Navigating international tax strategies and tax risk management is crucial for any globally operating company. RR Lyra Analytics provides insightful guidance in these areas, focusing on the importance of compliance and efficiency in international tax practices.

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Financial Services

Understanding the true value of a company, crafting effective project financing models, and implementing robust managerial accounting and control systems are fundamental for sustainable business growth. At RR Lyra Analytics, our focus in financial services centers on these critical aspects.

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Decoding Complexity

Our understanding of complexity elevate our analytical capabilities to a higher tier. Drawing inspiration from the theory of complex systems, we embrace the non-linear and interconnected essence of the modern world in our assessments.  We utilize microsimulation techniques and complex network analyses to address a diverse range of challenges.

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